Spitz – A Space for Women to Write
I’m Yehudit, founder of Spitz—a space for Haredi women writers to grow. This loan will help me expand and reach more women.
$2,084 Ouf Of $10,885
End Date: 21 Apr, 2025
My name is Yehudit Halpern, a wife and mother of four daughters from Bnei Brak. I founded Spitz to help Haredi women and girls use their writing talent as a tool for self-expression, and now I want to grow my audience.
Micro lending, Macro Impact
To take my business to the next level, I need to invest in targeted marketing for Haredi women, develop new digital advertising channels, and expand beyond in-person courses. This loan will allow me to reach more women, giving them the tools for self-expression and a meaningful path to financial independence.
My business - My spark
Spitz Institute provides women with a space where writing becomes a means for personal growth, identity formation, and profession. Our courses currently run in Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, and Beit Shemesh, and I aim to expand to more cities and integrate programs into seminaries across Israel.
A few more words
Writing is a powerful tool for healing and transformation. Now more than ever, women are searching for meaning and a safe space to express themselves. I want to make my courses accessible to more women and girls, giving them the tools to turn their words into a force for change.
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